When to use loop/recur in Clojure?

When you first start learning Clojure, you’ll eventually come across the loop/recur construct that enables you to essentially do tail recursion.

Why does Clojure need to have loop/recur when you can simply use a function and call it again?

Let’s say you’re writing a tail-recursive (iterative) function that calculates the nth fibonacci number.

Since we’re recursing from the tail position, what’s the difference between calling the function by its name:

(defn fib [prev cur n]
    (if (zero? n)
        (fib cur (+ prev cur) (dec n))))

user> (fib 0 1 6)

and using recur?

(defn fib-recur [prev cur n]
    (if (zero? n)
        (recur cur (+ prev cur) (dec n))))

user> (fib-recur 0 1 6)

Note that I’m using recur without using loop. If you don’t use loop, recur will use the function in the lexical context as the recur target instead. loop is just a macro that helps you make a recur target. It’s like making another function but with some sugar to make it a bit nicer. We could have written the fibonacci function with loop instead of the function trivially

(loop [prev 0
       cur 1
       n 6]
   (if (zero? n)
       (recur cur (+ prev cur) (dec n))))

The biggest difference is that using recur you won’t blow the stack for large numbers of recurisve calls:

;; The M that follows the number indicates a bigdecimal
user> (fib 0M 1M 10000M)
StackOverflowError   clojure.lang.PersistentHashMap$BitmapIndexedNode.index (PersistentHashMap.java:677)

Versus the exact same algorithm using the recur:

user> (fib-recur 0M 1M 10000M)

You pretty much almost always want to use loop/recur over tail recursively calling the function when you can for this reason.

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